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SDRs: The Winning Formula for Closing More Deals, Faster

Avatar photo Kyle Hiatt

September 16, 2024

Asset 11@2x

Sales development representatives (SDRs) accelerate the sales process — fueling shorter sales cycles, higher win rates, and happier customers. But building a high-performing SDR team isn’t just about hiring the right people. It’s about setting the right foundation, implementing effective strategies, and fostering alignment across your entire organization.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the critical role SDRs play throughout the sales cycle — from lead generation to closing deals — and ways to maximize the value of your SDR team. 

The Farmers of the Sales Pipeline

If you’ve ever filled out a lead form online and received a follow-up call, you’ve likely interacted with an SDR. They’re the ones reaching out and connecting with potential customers through cold calling, emailing, social media, and networking events.

I like to draw an analogy to agriculture — SDRs are the farmers: They diligently plant the seeds, nurturing leads and cultivating relationships. Sales reps are the harvesters. They bring in the fruits of SDR efforts by closing deals and bringing in revenue.

As the farmers, SDRs: 

  • Identify potential customers through research and targeted outreach.
  • Evaluate leads based on their needs and fit for the company.
  • Provide valuable information about your company’s product or service to the prospect.
  • Schedule meetings or demos for qualified leads with sales representatives.


Benefits: Igniting Your Sales Engine

A well-oiled SDR team delivers an array of benefits, including:

  • Increased Lead Volume: SDRs specialize in outreach and prospecting, reaching a wider audience than sales reps typically can. This translates into a broader sales pipeline and more opportunities for your business.
  • Improved Lead Quality: Through rigorous qualification, SDRs ensure only the most promising leads advance in the sales process. This streamlined approach saves time and resources for your closing team. (For lead qualification tips, see below.)
  • Streamlined Sales Cycle: By pre-vetting and educating leads, SDRs shorten the sales cycle. Prospects are well-informed and ready to engage, leading to faster conversions.
  • Cost-Effective Growth: Hiring and training SDRs is more cost-effective than onboarding experienced sales executives. This allows you to scale your sales efforts efficiently while maintaining focus on quality leads.
  • Predictable Pipeline: With a steady stream of qualified leads, you gain better visibility into your sales forecast. This enables improved resource allocation and strategic sales planning.


Tip: Lead Qualification Checklist for SDRs
Effective lead qualification ensures your sales team focuses their efforts on the most promising opportunities. Here are some key questions SDRs need to answer to determine if a lead is qualified:

  • Budget: Does the prospect have a budget allocated for your service or solution? Is it sufficient?
  • Authority: Who is the decision-maker? Are there multiple stakeholders involved in the buying process?
  • Need: What pain points is the prospect facing? How can your product or service address those needs?
  • Timeline: What is the prospect’s timeline for making a purchase decision?

Remember, the goal is to provide your sales team with “green light” leads to close deals, not chase unqualified prospects.


Personalized, Multi-Channel Approach


Next up, let’s dive into outreach strategies. The foundation of effective outreach is a well-defined Ideal Client Profile (ICP). This helps your SDRs focus their efforts and tailor the message to resonate with the right audience. (Thankfully, there are several tools available, particularly in the financial services space, to aid in your research. If you need recommendations, I’m happy to provide a list!)

Personalization is paramount in outreach. Generic templates won’t cut it! Encourage your SDRs to reference something they discovered on social media or highlight a shared interest or experience. 

Embrace a multi-channel approach, including email, phone calls, social media interactions, and in-person events. (For guidelines on the number of outreach attempts, see the tip below.)

And keep in mind that your SDRs are the bridge between your services and your prospects’ pain points. Make sure they have a deep understanding of your value propositions and key messaging. A well-crafted and consistent script empowers them to communicate your offerings effectively and set the stage for successful sales conversations.


Tip: The Magic Number of Outreach Attempts
Research suggests it takes an average of 7-8 touchpoints to engage a prospect effectively. While this can vary based on factors such as industry and target audience, it’s a good benchmark to keep in mind.

  • Space It Out: Spread these touchpoints over a period of about 24 days to avoid overwhelming prospects. This allows you to stay top-of-mind without coming across as overly aggressive.
  • Data-Driven Adjustments: Track your metrics (email open rates, click-through rates, voicemail response rates, etc.) and adjust your outreach strategy accordingly.


Tech & Tools: Equipping Your SDRs for Success

To empower your SDRs for success, equipping them with the right technology and tools is essential. These include: 


CRM: Your Command Center

A customer relationship management (CRM) system is the central hub for managing all of your customer interactions and data.


  • Track leads, contacts, activities, and communication history in one place
  • Gain insights into SDR performance, lead conversion rates, and overall sales pipeline health
  • Ensure a smooth transition of qualified leads with all the necessary context

Tip: Outlook is NOT a CRM. Invest in a dedicated CRM solution to unlock the full power of your sales data.


Sales Engagement Platforms

Sales engagement platforms automate and streamline outreach efforts, allowing SDRs to focus on building relationships.


  • Coordinate email sequences, calls, social media touches, and other channels
  • Create templates and automate personalized messaging to increase engagement

Tip: Make sure your sales engagement platform integrates seamlessly with your CRM for a unified view of customer data.


Data Analytics: The Key to Optimization

Data analytics will help you track, measure, and refine your SDR strategies.


  • Compare your performance against industry standards and internal teams to identify areas for improvement
  • Spot patterns in data to understand what works and what doesn’t
  • Use data to personalize outreach and content for better results
  • Analyze when prospects are most likely to engage and adjust your outreach accordingly
  • Ensure you have the right number of SDRs based on lead volume and sales goals


Metrics to track include the number of:

  • Dials, emails sent, and connections made
  • Meetings and demos booked
  • Lead qualification rates
  • Response times and engagement levels

Unlock Your Sales Potential With SDRs

From generating high-quality leads and streamlining the sales cycle to boosting efficiency and enabling predictable forecasting, SDRs play a critical role in the success of any B2B sales organization. By investing in the right people, training, technology, and strategies, you can build a high-performing SDR team that delivers exceptional results.

If you’re looking to accelerate your sales efforts without the commitment of building an in-house team,’s Fractional SDR service is the perfect solution. We’ll handle your outreach, qualify your leads, and set appointments on your behalf.

With our expertise and proven processes, you’ll gain access to a steady stream of sales-ready opportunities. Contact me today to learn more. 


Kyle Hiatt is Partner & Head of Sales Consulting at
